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The Nu Wave Collective

A group of Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master Practitioners working together to amplify the light.  We work collectively with you to awaken the healer within.  We are cultivating an endless light army of spiritual warriors ready to respond to the call, to raise the collective vibration.

Meet the team below!


The New Wave Collective 

Council Members

Our purpose in this lifetime is to help you find the light within you and help you access your healing in order to rejuvenate, revitalize, realign, and refocus your purpose as the divine healer that you are. 

Upcoming Events

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“Take your time but don't waste your time.” – Chadwick Boseman

I am Amber James, born and raised in Newport News, VA. My spiritual journey began as early as I can remember. I was baptistized at my late grandmother's church and later on my teenage years became heavily involved with church, participating in the drama and praise teams, interessory prayer warriors as well as creating my own Bible study class in middle school. I was always told God had a plan for me but never knew what that entailed.


I've always had an inner knowing and had experiences with the spiritual world. My late grandmother was what we call a seer and that was passed down to my mother and passed down to me. My approach is very warm and sincere. I'm that good good girlfriend that's in your corner. When no one else sees it, I do. When no one else feels it, I do. When no one else senses it, I do. I am very observant and listen to understand.


I offer inuitive tarot and oracle readings, Reiki and distance Reiki, pendulum readings, and house blessings. You will always get messages that you need to hear, not what you want to hear. We all have gifts inside of us. It's just a matter of going within and remembering. Once you remember, it's plenty of room for us to share. My motto is we can't carry each other's light but we can all shine together.


You can follow me on Facebook at The Tarot Mixologist. 



Reiki is not something I do, it is a part of who I am, and I weave it into all that I do.

When we are open and in tuned in to our  manifesting powers, life  open up  to you what is meant for you.  In this case a group of my Reiki students showed up as way more than students.  All members of the NWC council have trained with me from level 1 through the mastership program.  Our work together alchemized into a powerful community of ancestral healers, all awakened to move into leadership as lightworkers.  We are now the medicine wheel, with each of us bringing the balance and powerful medicine that this world has been waiting for.  The Nu Wave Collective council has  followed the call of living in purpose and now we work together as equals to bring to this world a heightened level of consciousness through energetic healing and metaphysical education. 


Learn more about my background on the Meet Tiffany page.



“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, “I used everything you gave me.” – Erma Bombeck

As a young girl I always knew I was different, I just needed to feel it for myself. Church wasn’t a staple fixture in our household growing up, but my mom was a believer. Our grandmother was an avid church goer and often prayed for and with us. My spiritual journeying began as early as a child, from dreaming, to knowing, to feeling, then to imparting things that made people cry or just hug me in sheer delight. I am Meeka Threatts, born and reared in Richmond, VA, and was licensed to preach in the Baptist church in May of 2016. As a Gemini sun sign, I am fascinated with the complexities of individuals. I am devoted to helping people make better decisions and lead happier lives. As a seeker of truth, I find wisdom in the Bible as well as in using spiritual tools such as oracle cards, intuitive-prophetic readings and the pendulum as they have the power to inspire, encourage and provide life affirming action. Inspiration and encouragement of self is true if you can honor your spirit given compass meaning your emotional and intuitive reactions to certain things. My style has a very sister girl feel, it is welcoming, practical yet frank so you understand. Currently, I offer intuitive-prophetic and oracle readings, pendulum readings, written manifestions that speak, literally, affirmation and creations that are specific to an individuals need. 


Cozmic Ash

“Compassion is my compass. I am willing to hold space for the experience of others”.

                                                              - Spirit Junkie by Gabby Bernstein

This affirmation is my absolute favorite and has resonated with me ever since I first drew this card from the Spirit Junkie Affirmation Deck. Compassion is what led me to practice and master Reiki. Today I am still driven by compassion in the daily work I do as an Early Childhood Educator. I believe we are all in this life together working to become better versions of ourselves and having compassion is where I believe it starts. Kindness, generosity, empathy, and love can create a light in us all that can inspire the world around us. Imagine a world filled with compassion!


 Hello, I am Ashley Smith but to others, I am known as Cozmic. I am a loving light being that feels completely connected to the world outside of my own. I feel driven by the way the moon, stars, and planets move and inspire us energetically. I enjoy meeting new people, hearing their stories, learning, and teaching, and being a calm presence to where others may not feel so. I was born and mostly raised in Richmond, Virginia. Proudly, I am a mother and preschool teacher and the learning focus is on social-emotional learning. Since I was a young being, I've always wanted to be a teacher. I went through a few college majors and found myself right where compassion led me back to and that's working with children for 18 years! 


Currently, I offer Reiki sessions in person and distant, intuitive readings with tarot, oracle, pendulum, and runes. I also create reiki-imbued healing tools such as candles, jewelry, poppets, and various crafty projects that others will find joy in.


If feeling led to, you can follow me on Facebook as Cozmic Ash or on Instagram as CosmicalCreatrix, cosmic_flow_healing.

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