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WelcomeInnergetic Alchemy

 Inspired transformation to awakening the healer within you. Our mission is to help individuals and families find balance and increased wellbeing through  discovery of purpose and deep healing. Join me on a journey of physical, emotional, spiritual, and ancestral healing to reach your highest form of consciousness.  The energetic healing of Reiki, Ego work, Mindfulness and Embodiment are the foundations for all offerings brought forth by Tiffany, creatrix of

Innergetic Alchemy


                         Here you will also find the home of-

The Nu Wave Collective

A powerful group of Reiki Master healers have joined forces to amplify the light, shift the collective consciousness and create access to a thriving community of lightworkers!  We aim to normalize energy healing



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Join Me on Saturday 9/14 from 11am to 1pm at
The Aquarian Bookshop in RVA!

The most powerful tool we have to transform ourselves and our world is available to us at all times.
Did you know?
● Practicing gratitude can increase happiness by up to 25%.
● Regular gratitude exercises have been shown to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
● Mindfulness and gratitude together can boost resilience and emotional health.
In this 2-hour workshop, you will be introduced to
practical strategies to 
incorporate gratitude into your daily life.

These tools are game-changers for how you experience

the world, the vibration you exist in, and what you attract into your life.


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Why Reiki and Wellness

We are inspired by purpose to alleviate pain in the world and significantly amplify the light.  People are awakening to a collective raised consciousness!  I am supporting people in raising their consciousness and quality of life through teaching engagement with the energy patterns that are in and around us.

Vibration creates your reality; we teach the tools to be intentional about raising your energetic vibration. Work with me to learn how to unblock, clear and protect your energy and free trapped pain.  Learn to heal yourself and your family, clear ancestral blocks, learn forgiveness and transform fear into the frequency of love. Gain clarity through intuitive guidance and learn to hear and follow your own intuition. Inner-getic Alchemy is where to come when you are ready to awaken the healer within!

People are awakening to a collective raised consciousness and we are here with the tools  you need to awaken!!!


What the students & clients say- experience meeting Tiffany was like kismet.. Upon meeting Tiffany, I felt an extreme sense of calm and someone who was very well rounded, secure in her knowledge of what she is teaching and finally someone who was actually ready to teach. Tiffany made a point to introduce herself to me and tell me all about what she offered. I gladly wanted to learn more about reiki under her tutelage and decided to take her Level I and II Holy Fire Reiki Course. It was nothing short of amazing as Tiffany led us into meditation that invoked thoughts of my childhood and helped to mend the pieces that were missing for me. It truly felt like I was supposed to be there as we all had a profound sense of togetherness and a sense of community.

                                                                                       T. Threatts

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